Together building justice and peace
We believe that poverty and the unequal distribution of resources in the world is created by man-made, unjust systems that benefit the rich and powerful.
Climate Justice Read more about how we work towards fair climate policy and green action alternatives.
Economic Justice Read more about how we work with individuals and society to ensure justice for all.
Just World Read more about how we include and provide youth and women with non-violent tools to create lasting peace.
Gender Justice Read more about how we work towards equal rights for all and include men and boys in the conversation.

Our work
We shall be brave and dare to challenge established positions within our network and society at large. We are creating a more just world for all people, with four key objectives: climate justice, economic justice, gender justice, and just peace. Through our efforts, we reach over 25,000 children, youth, and women each year. More than 50,000 lives are impacted by the work we undertake in collaboration with local partners in 10 countries.
Misguided politics has created poverty, and by changing unjust policies and consume patterns we can contribute towards creating a more just world. We are working to give young people new possibilities and build strong, democratic societies. Our projects are run through partnerships with local NGOs, mainly YWCAs and YMCAs, and our target group is youth and women.
Open, Loving, Just and Brave. These values are our fundament and creates the foundation for our work. We are open to everyone, regardless of religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, or political conviction. Our work is based on love for all people. We are creating a more just world and believe that this will only happen by changing the man-made causes to poverty and injustice. We will always strive to be brave and dare to challenge established positions in our own network and in the society at large.
KFUK-KFUM Global (henceforward called YGlobal) is a solidarity and aid organization owned by Norway’s YWCA-YMCA and YWCA-YMCA Scouts. Together, we work towards a more just world.
Join us in the pursuit of a more just world, where human-made causes of poverty and injustice are addressed head-on. We are committed to embodying courage, challenging established norms within our network, and daring to inspire change in society at large. Together, let’s embark on a transformative journey towards a fairer and more equitable global community.