About us

KFUK-KFUM Global (henceforward called YGlobal) is a solidarity and aid organization owned by Norway’s YWCA-YMCA and YWCA-YMCA Scouts. Together, we work towards a more just world.

At the core of our mission is the belief that poverty and the unequal distribution of resources are byproducts of human-designed systems. Failed policies have perpetuated poverty, but by reshaping policies and consumption patterns, we envision creating a world that champions justice. Our focus extends beyond providing new opportunities – we aim to construct resilient democratic local communities. Through strategic partnerships with local YWCAs and YMCAs, our projects are carefully crafted to address the unique needs of young people and women.

Our actions are guided by the principles of openness, compassion, fairness, and courage. These values not only shape our initiatives but also underpin the decision-making processes that drive our work. We extend an inclusive invitation to all, regardless of religion, ethnicity, orientation, or political persuasion. Love for all people is the cornerstone of our efforts.

Join us in the pursuit of a more just world, where human-made causes of poverty and injustice are addressed head-on. We are committed to embodying courage, challenging established norms within our network, and daring to inspire change in society at large. Together, let’s embark on a transformative journey towards a fairer and more equitable global community.

Strategies and principles

